Welcome to The Save Mart Companies Give Back Bag Program! By simply making a $2.50 Give Back Bag purchase, shoppers give $1 back to a local hunger organization selected monthly by store leadership. Use the resources to let your supporters know!
Every time a shopper purchases a $2.50 Give Back Bag at your given Save Mart, Lucky or FoodMaxx location, your nonprofit will receive a $1 donation, unless otherwise directed by the Giving Tag. You can help drive bag sales and donations with an ongoing campaign to:
The Give Back Bag Program makes it easy for shoppers to support their community and environment by buying durable, reusable shopping bags. A portion of each purchase goes to a local nonprofit in need. Donations from this program support groups focused on local Food Banks and local emergency hunger relief organizations..
Give Back Bags are available at all Lucky, Lucky California, FoodMaxx and Save Mart locations. Look for them at various registers and on the reusable bag rack. If you can’t find them, just ask a team member where they are. They’ll be happy to show you!
You can also purchase these bags in bulk – they make great gifts for friends, family, colleagues, and group members. Show them you care about them, the community, and the environment! For information on bulk orders, please contact us at savemart@bags4mycause.com.
Every month, leadership at each store location chooses a local nonprofit to be the default beneficiary from the Give Back Bag Program. This organization’s name is posted on the reusable bag rack during their benefiting month.